
Westfield Botanical


15"H x 9"L x 3"D

Artist: Robbie Heidinger

Artist Statement: Watch a plant grow, and you see its intention is perfect. It uses just the right shape, amount of color, and texture to fulfill its pliant, living design. I try to emulate this “biosophy” in clay--without doing realistic imitations of plants. My work is very touchable. It satisfies the urge to feel something attractively “natural,” and more seductively, rewards the user by connecting them with a very potent and tightly focused abstraction of the tissues and structures of organic life. This—the psychosomatic connection occurring during the act of using the piece—unleashes the potencies of my expression.


Artist Statement: Watch a plant grow, and you see its intention is perfect. It uses just the right shape, amount of color, and texture to fulfill its pliant, living design. I try to emulate this “biosophy” in clay–without doing realistic imitations of plants. My work is very touchable. It satisfies the urge to feel something attractively “natural,” and more seductively, rewards the user by connecting them with a very potent and tightly focused abstraction of the tissues and structures of organic life. This—the psychosomatic connection occurring during the act of using the piece—unleashes the potencies of my expression.

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